I would like to share with you
the philosopher Arne Næss` six recomendations for a healthy debate:
1. Avoid tendentious irrelevance
Examples: Personal attacks and claims of opponents' motivation.
2. Avoid tendentious quoting
Quotes should not be edited regarding the subject of the debate.
3. Avoid tendentious ambiguity
Ambiguity can be exploited to support criticism.
4. Avoid tendentious use of straw men
Assigning views to the opponent that he or she does not hold.
5. Avoid tendentious statements of fact
Information put forward should never be untrue or incomplete, and one should not withhold relevant information.
6. Avoid tendentious tone of presentation
Examples: irony, sarcasm, pejoratives, exaggeration, subtle (or open) threats.
remember some of this in your next descussion or debate.
In Norwegian:
the philosopher Arne Næss` six recomendations for a healthy debate:
1. Avoid tendentious irrelevance
Examples: Personal attacks and claims of opponents' motivation.
2. Avoid tendentious quoting
Quotes should not be edited regarding the subject of the debate.
3. Avoid tendentious ambiguity
Ambiguity can be exploited to support criticism.
4. Avoid tendentious use of straw men
Assigning views to the opponent that he or she does not hold.
5. Avoid tendentious statements of fact
Information put forward should never be untrue or incomplete, and one should not withhold relevant information.
6. Avoid tendentious tone of presentation
Examples: irony, sarcasm, pejoratives, exaggeration, subtle (or open) threats.
remember some of this in your next descussion or debate.
In Norwegian:
- Unngå tendensiøst utenomsnakk
Eksempler: Personkarakteristikker, påstander om motpartens motiver, årsaksforklaringer til argument. - Unngå tendensiøse gjengivelser
Gjengivelsen må være nøytral med tanke på stridsspørsmål. - Unngå tendensiøs flertydighet
Flertydigheten gjør at argumentet kan tilpasses kritikken. - Unngå tendensiøs bruk av stråmenn
Dette vil si å tillegge motstanders standpunkt et innhold han ikke står inne for. - Unngå tendensiøse originalfremstillinger
Informasjon som legges frem, må ikke være usann, ufullstendig, skjev og/eller holde tilbake relevant informasjon. - Unngå tendensiøse tilberedelser av innlegg
Eksempler: ironi ,sarkasme, skjellsord, overdrivelser eller trusler.
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